Tag Archives: période de questions

Période de questions: réduction de la pauvreté – le 19 décembre 2014

Réduction de la pauvreté   Mr. Coon: My question is for the Minister of Social Development and of Healthy and Inclusive Communities. At this time of year, there are many excellent fund-raisers around the province, such as the Feed a Family Campaign at CBC here in Fredericton, for people to support food banks to ensure that people have a Christmas […]

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Période de questions: changement climatique – le 17 décembre 2014

Changement climatique   Mr. Coon: My question is for the Premier. The extreme weather that we have been experiencing is a reminder that our existing infrastructure was not designed to withstand the impacts of climate change, but climate change is what we have, and it is speeding up. During the last rainstorm, raw sewage poured into the Petitcodiac River because […]

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Période de questions: emplois verts – le 10 décembre 2014

Emplois verts   Mr. Coon: My question is for the Premier. On Monday of this week, Quebec, together with Ontario and British Columbia, issued a joint statement demonstrating leadership on climate change. They joined federal Green Party Leader Elizabeth May in Peru this week at the final UN meeting before a new global treaty on climate action is signed next […]

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