Tag Archives: les sages-femmes

Questions Orales: Les sages-femmes – 18 décembre 2015

The following is the preliminary Hansard transcript of oral questions on December 18, 2015 recorded in the language it was originally spoken. Mr. Coon: Last May, the Minister of Health addressed some questions that I had during question period regarding the integration of midwives into our health care system. At that time, he said, “it is very clear that we are committed […]

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(English) Question Period: Rising Healthcare Costs?: Solutons Staring us in the Face – May 6,2015

Mr. Coon: The government is constantly asking opposition members for solutions. When it comes to improving health care and reducing costs, solutions are staring the Minister of Health in the face. Yesterday, in my member’s statement, I said that midwives were able to provide 87% of essential care to women and newborns and substantially reduce costs with better  outcomes for […]

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Déclarations: Les sages-femmes

Monsieur le Président, Ce gouvernement a demandé pour des solutions pour l’aider à équilibrer son budget de la province. Aujourd’hui est la Journée internationale de la sage-femme et j’aimerais profiter de l’occasion pour souligné le rôle que joue les sages-femmes afin de minimiser les coûts de notre système de santé. Les sages-femmes fournissent 87% de soins essentiels pour les femmes […]

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