Our Neighbours: Herbert

“As a child I always wanted to experience different cultures outside of Ghana. My parents saved up and gave me the opportunity to come to Canada to study at the university. I am very grateful for the sacrifices that my parents make each and every day for me just so I can be here to have the life that they always wanted. I was very worried before I came to UNB and Canada in general. I think the perspective of the Western world to the others of the world, especially America, is not necessarily a good one. But I think that Canada has definitely changed my perspective in the sense that people are more accepting here. I haven’t regretted my decision coming here, this place is definitely home to me now.”

We live in a richly diverse community, but we sometimes don’t see the unique and beautiful individuals and families who live in Fredericton South. Many members of our community are overlooked, some are invisible, and sometimes they are Othered. In the coming months, I want to introduce you to some of our neighbours. They are us. This summer we are featuring the work of Faces of the Immigration Story, a collaborative effort to weave the experiences of Fredericton’s immigrants into an inspiring tale of their journey into becoming new Canadians.