Category Archives: Equality

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Green Party Leaders Response to the Budget Speech

Nine point six billion dollars is what government intends to spend to serve the people of our province. Despite $165 million in additional revenue over what was received this past year, this budget will drive our deficit back up to $189 million by spending $235 million more than last year. After three years of effort to balance the books, this […]

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Unfair Funding for St Thomas Students

Today I asked questions about the unfair funding for St Thomas students. M. Coon : Le 25 janvier dernier, le gouvernement a signé un protocole d’entente avec seulement trois des quatre universités publiques de la province. St. Thomas University est encore injustement traitée. En effet, la population étudiante de cette université reçoit beaucoup moins de soutien financier de la subvention […]

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