New Brunswick Day a Time to Celebrate all Communities

Fredericton – The following message was issued by David Coon, MLA for Fredericton-South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick:

“New Brunswick Day is a day of celebration and community for the families and peoples of our beautiful province.  It’s about embracing our collective sense of community in our towns, villages, and cities as we gather with friends and neighbours to share in food and fun.

No matter the nature of our heritage, New Brunswick Day is a time for us come together to reflect on that for which we are thankful and the work that remains to ensure that everyone and all peoples are full participants in our society.    Premiers from across the country agreed in July to implement the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to help make this possible for the first peoples in New Brunswick.

On this day, I want to wish everyone a sense of belonging and community.  Happy New Brunswick Day!”
