National Acadian Day a Time of Celebration for all Peoples of New Brunswick

Fredericton – The following message was issued by David Coon, MLA for Fredericton-South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick:

“On August 15, Acadians throughout New Brunswick are joined by all New Brunswickers in celebrating National Acadian Day.

It’s been 411 years since the first French settlement was established on St. Croix Island.   I treasure my memories of the commemoration of the 400th anniversary on the banks of river overlooking the site of the original settlement that marked the founding of Acadia and ultimately led to the establishment of New Brunswick and Canada.

August 15th is a day to remember the struggles of the Acadians through history, recognize the tenacity and determination of the people, and most importantly, celebrate the resurgence and vitality of Acadie today, within and outside of New Brunswick.

New Brunswick would not be New Brunswick without Acadie or the First Nations.  I will always remember the coming together of First Nations, Acadian and Anglophone musicians at the 2004 commemoration of the founding of Acadie in a heart-stopping performance that blended their gifts in perfect harmony.

As leader of the Green Party, I invite everyone to celebrate National Acadian Day.  I will be in Caraquet and Tracadie and look forward to joining in the fun.

Bonne fête des Acadiens et Acadiennes! ”
