Green Party Leader Congratulates the Premier on Commitment to Low-Carbon Economy


Fredericton – At the First Ministers meeting on climate action in Vancouver, Premier Brian Gallant committed to “transitioning to a low carbon economy by adopting a broad range of domestic measures, including a pricing mechanism.” David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick, wants Premier Brian Gallant to publicly share the broad range of measures he has in mind to drive the transition to a low carbon economy in New Brunswick.

“I want to congratulate Premier Gallant on making the commitment to transform New Brunswick from a high carbon to a low carbon economy,” said Coon. “This will provide tremendous economic opportunities for all regions of our province to become part of the new green economy, starting now.”

“Like all New Brunswickers, I am eager to see the Premier’s plan for making the transition away from fossil fuels to renewable energy and clean technology,” said Coon. “On his return home, I will be looking for him to share his plan with the people of our province.”

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