Government Consultations

Don’t miss out on government consultations. You have a right to be heard by the government. Click here to see the topics for which the government is seeking input.

Something to highlight is the 10-Year Education Plan. Consultations are underway now, and you are invited to answer a survey to share your views.

Don’t miss out on the Mactaquac Project to decide the future of the Mactaquac Dam:

A new Agricultural Land Policy is being developed, with open sessions for your input. Fredericton’s is Nov. 18, 2pm-6pm at the Fredericton Inn.

Some other ongoing consultation topics on which you can share you views:

And don’t forget, you can see what Environmental Impact Assessments are underway:

And don’t forget, David is always keen to hear from his constituents. Call or email Taeyon at 455-0936, to set up an appointment to meet with him, or stop by the Constituency Office: 133 King St. #1.