Driving a New Vision for Transportation – New Brunswick’s Climate Action Strategy: Some Ideas Part II

SolarCarChargeFredericton – In early March, Premier Gallant will participate in a First Ministers conference hosted by Prime Minister Trudeau to discuss a national climate action strategy. David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick has some suggestions for Premier Gallant.

“Since nearly one third of greenhouse emissions in New Brunswick come from the transportation sector,” said Coon, “it is essential that Premier Gallant negotiate support from Ottawa to expand public transit and provide incentives for the purchase of vehicles powered by electricity and biofuels.”

Prime Minister Trudeau has placed a priority on supporting public transit with new infrastructure funding.

“The timing is perfect,” said Coon. “On the heels of the Paris agreement, and with the federal government’s intention to roll out its public transportation and green infrastructure funding to stimulate the economy, New Brunswick has the opportunity to significantly improve public transportation in our province.  The green infrastructure funding from the federal government should also be used to accelerate the roll-out of NB Power’s smart electrical grid which will enable New Brunswick to integrate electric vehicles on a large scale,” said Coon.

It was 26 years ago, that provincial environment ministers first called for a national action strategy to combat climate change. Now is the time for action.

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