Tag Archives: jobs

David Coon slams system of awarding student summer jobs- Jacques Poitras CBC News June 3, 2015

Green Party leader says non-partisan civil servants, not MLAs, should decide what groups earn summer job funds. The leader of the Green Party has blown the whistle on a system of awarding provincially-funded summer jobs that he says the Liberals and the Progressive Conservatives have used for years. Green Party Leader David Coon said it’s time for the government to […]

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Member’s Statement: International Workers’ Day

Mr. Speaker, Today is International Workers’ Day, a commemoration of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre in Chicago when police fired on workers during a general strike for the eight hour workday. Today the people of New Brunswick benefit from the sacrifice of these early labour protestors, but not all benefit equally. Non-unionized staff, particularly in the service sector, have no protection […]

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Member’s Statements: ATCON- Job Creation?

Mr. Speaker, the Auditor General’s report on ATCON contained some remarkable evidence about the failure of government financial assistance to business to create jobs.  The Office of the Comptroller evaluated $300M provided to 130 companies.  Of the 13 companies that received more than $5M, 10,358 net jobs were targeted to be created, but only 2 were actually created.  Of the […]

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