Tag Archives: forestry

Question Period: Fish and Wildlife – Apil 30, 2015

Mr. Coon: The scientific staff of the Minister of Natural Resources have publicly stated that the 2014 forest strategy will eliminate old-forest habitats to such an extent that there will no longer be enough to sustain animal populations requiring those habitats. Simply put, by permitting the destruction of old-forest habitats to feed J.D. Irving’s appetite for cheap wood, New Brunswick […]

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Environment Minister Responds to Herbicide Question April 8, 2015

Hon. Mr. Kenny: In response to questions asked by the member for Fredericton South that were taken under advisement, I would like to report to the House today.  With regard to the member’s question, Health Canada is the leading authority in determining the safety of pest control products. All registered pest control products used in New Brunswick have undergone a […]

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