Tag Archives: enviroment

Premier Gallant’s Commitment to Lower Carbon Economy Must Drive Job Creation

Premier Gallant’s Commitment to Lower Carbon Economy Must Drive Job Creation  (Fredericton, NB) Premier Brian Gallant committed to make a transition to a lower carbon economy with Premiers from across the country in the final declaration from the Québec Summit on Climate Change yesterday.  “The Premier has a tremendous opportunity to drive job creation by reducing New Brunswick’s dependence on […]

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David Coon to Join New Brunswick Delegation to Premiers’ Climate Summit in Quebec City

Green Party Leader David Coon to Join New Brunswick Delegation to Premiers’ Climate Summit in Quebec City (Fredericton, NB) On, Tuesday April 14th David Coon, MLA Fredericton South and leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick will be part of the New Brunswick delegation to Premiers’ Climate Summit  to be hosted in Quebec City by Premier Couillard to discuss renewed efforts to fight climate change. “This summit needs to […]

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