Green Party Leader Says New Emission Targets Will Create Jobs and Growth

Fredericton – Green Party Leader David Coon says the decision by Eastern Canadian Premiers and the Governors of New England to cut carbon emissions by 35-45% below 1990 levels by 2030 should be the trigger to grow a new low carbon economy in New Brunswick.

“Strengthening our targets to cut carbon pollution will creates tremendous opportunities to drive economic development and job creation in order to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, ” said David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick.  “It is exactly the type of economic stimulus that is desperately needed as we find ourselves in another recession in Canada,” said Coon.

On August 11 2015, Premier Gallant wrote the Green Party Leader, saying “the province will be strengthening its action on climate change . . .  and we realize that there is great potential for sustainable economic development, innovation and long-term job creation . . .”

The Green Party leader is urging the Premier to see his planned action on climate change as a significant part of his economic strategy to get New Brunswick’s economy moving again.
