Environment Week the Perfect Time to Stand up in Defence of NB Forests

Fredericton – On Wednesday, June 3, smack-dab in the middle of Environment week, Bill 13 An Act to Return to the Crown Certain Rights Relating to Wood Supply and Forest Management, will come before the legislature for second reading.

“Passing this bill is crucial for the future sustainability of the forests, our wildlife, and our economy,” said David Coon, MLA-Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. “This Wednesday, the government will have the chance to reverse a terrible decision from the previous government.”

The bill seeks to cancel the contracts signed between the Government of New Brunswick and three private companies: J.D. Irving Limited, Twin Rivers Paper Company Inc. and Chaleur Sawmill Associates. The contracts increased the softwood harvest limits for these companies by 20%. These numbers were recognized as unsustainable by the minister’s staff endangering wildlife populations. The contracts guarantee these volumes for the next twenty five years.

“The only way for our government to regain its authority to serve the public’s interest in the Crown Forests and restore its ability to uphold its treaty obligations to First Nations is to support this bill,” said Coon.