Welcome to Fredericton

It is that time of year when Fredericton welcomes its new and returning students to the city once again. I want to take a minute to introduce myself and make sure students know how to be in touch with me. Please circulate this letter to any students you know.

I’m David Coon, MLA for Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. If you live in Fredericton South, I’m your representative in the Legislative Assembly.

I’m determined to effectively represent you in the Legislature, and am keen to help you become more engaged with our democracy.   I try to be on the UNB and STU campuses each Monday during lunch at the SUB, Head Hall, George Martin Hall or James Dunn Hall. Last year,  I introduced a bill to give younger people the right to vote; and continue to look for ways to ensure the voices of students and youth are heard.

I have established a Youth Round Table to provide a forum where we can address issues of concern in greater detail so I can bring them forward to the Legislative Assembly to press for change.

You can keep in touch with what I am doing at www.davidcoonmla.ca  and by following me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/david.coon.fredsouth and Twitter @DavidCCoon.

You can reach me in several ways:

  • Call Taeyon Kim, my constituency coordinator at 455-0936 to make an appointment to see me at my office downtown at 133 King St. #1
  • Email me at contact@davidcooonmla.ca
  • Message me on Facebook or Twitter
  • Find me on campus – alternating between UNB and STU – every week on Mondays at noon

I will always make time to meet with you. Be sure to keep me in the loop, if there’s an event coming up on campus, let me know about it. If I can make it, I would love to come.

Welcome to Fredericton. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.

Yours truly,

David Coon