A Day of Change for NB Governance

Fredericton – Today is the first day that the standing committees of the Legislative Assembly will begin working under their new mandate. Committees are now responsible for reviewing bills that pass second reading before they return to the House for third reading.

According to the Liberal platform, the government made these changes to give private members more opportunities to participate in debates.

“I’m looking forward to digging into these bills substantively,” said David Coon, MLA Fredericton South and Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick.

The standing rules for the House of Commons in Ottawa allow committees to call expert witnesses to provide testimony in person or through written submission.

“Our committees can and should become a forum for New Brunswickers to connect with their politicians during the legislative process,” said Coon.

Coon sits on the Standing Committee on Economic Policy which will meet Thursday and Friday, May 21-22. The committee will review 11 Bills.