Question Period: State of Recycling – April 23. 2015

Mr. Speaker, New Brunswickers want to recycle their waste, but our outmoded patchwork recycling system is failing us. The Halifax Regional Municipality is diverting 59% of all waste from homes, apartments, businesses and industry from their landfill through recycling. In Fredericton, that number is under 15 %, and if you live in an apartment you cannot participate at all. Six out of ten Canadians have their curbside recycling programs now funded by industries whose paper and packaging products end up as waste. We are the only province without a universal electronic recycling program.   Mr. Speaker, once again there are opportunities in the green economy to create jobs and save the public money. It’s time we get with the program – the program to create green jobs.

Thank you Mr. Speaker

Member’s Statement – State of Recycling, MLA David Coon, député, Fredericton-sud, chef du Parti vert, Le jeudi 23 avril 2015