Member’s Statement – New Brunswickers want to be part of the renewable energy revolution

Mr. Speaker,a poll by Oracle Research Ltd  released yesterday found New Brunswickers want swift action from their government leaders to protect the climate.

An overwhelming majority of New Brunswickers — a margin of nearly 8 to 1 — believe we should be global leaders in protecting the climate by reducing our energy consumption.

73.3% percent of people from the province want to see a plan for creating jobs in the renewable energy sector, with 70 per cent calling for a a legally enforceable cap or limits to carbon pollution. Nearly 70 per cent of New Brunswickers want a commitment to phase out coal, oil and gas and replace them with renewable energy sources.

Mr. Speaker New Brunswickers want us to be part of the renewable energy revolution now and reap the reward in jobs and prosperity.  What could be more hopeful than that.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.


Member’s Statement – Climate Action Poll Results, MLA David Coon, député, Fredericton-sud, chef du Parti vert, Le jeudi 09 avril 2015