Member’s Statement: Demise of Efficiency New Brunswick

Mr. Speaker, yesterday marked the last day of operation for Efficiency New Brunswick.  A short-sighted decision for an agency that should be an engine of economic growth in our province.  A study done for the New Brunswick government in 2012 found that the development of our cost-effective energy efficiency resource could create more than 1,300 jobs a year, every year, for the next 15 years – jobs that cut the cost of heating for New Brunswickers by an average of 23 percent – year in and year out – jobs that shrink our carbon footprint, not add to it.  Jobs for our trades, our general labourers and retail workers.  Instead, the very agency that could drive this job creation has been demolished.  I want recognize the staff for their commitment to carrying out the mandate of Efficiency New Brunswick and helping so many New Brunswickers in every corner of our province. Thank you Mr. Speaker.

Member’s Statement – Demise of Efficiency New Brunswick,
David Coon, MLA, Fredericton-South,
Leader of the Green Party
Tuesday, April 1, 2015