Green Party leader to attend national conference of parliamentarians
Fredericton – David Coon, Leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick and MLA for Fredericton South, is in St. John’s, Newfoundland this week to explore and share ideas from effective parliaments across Canada.
“I’m looking forward to many sessions, including one session on how to ensure all-party committees are effective,” said Coon. “This is timely for us as we begin ramping up our efforts at the Select Committee on Climate Change this summer.”
Coon will also attend sessions on the parliament-First Nation relationship and strengthening relationships between legislatures and the community. In addition to the conference sessions he will use the opportunity to meet with Dr. Doug House, the retired sociology professor at Memorial University who headed up the Newfoundland Commission on Economic Renewal.
“Dr. House is a leader in rethinking how governments can pursue economic and social development that strengthens communities and creates real opportunity for people,” said Coon. “I’m hoping to come home with new ideas about how New Brunswick can rise to the social and economic challenges we are facing today.”
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