Green Jobs Act

Here is the official text of our first bill: The Green Jobs Act

Do you want to support our bill? You can sign the petition here. You can also e-mail Premier Gallant to let him know why you support the bill.

Green jobs











The Objectives of the bill include:

Renew New Brunswick Inc.

Renew New Brunswick Inc. is a crown corporation that is responsible for creating jobs by promoting and investing in renewable energy, public transportation, and energy efficiency.

Renew New Brunswick Inc. will be governed by a Board of Directors and an Advisory Committee.

The Renew New Brunswick Inc. Board of Directors will be responsible for the governance and overview of the crown corporation. It will review and recommend changes in legislation, regulation, programs and policies in accordance with the Green Jobs Act. It will consist of 8 individuals, representing vested interests in New Brunswick.

The Renew New Brunswick Inc. Advisory Committee will provide policy and strategic advice to Renew New Brunswick Inc. It will consist of 9 individuals with expertise in the renewable energy, public transportation, and energy efficiency sectors.


The Green Jobs Act seeks to reduce greenhouse gases. Renew New Brunswick Inc. will recommend targets related to reducing primary energy consumption. The bill will institute secondary targets for the procurement of electric, hybrid and zero emission vehicles and requiring large renovations or new government building projects to adhere to the  Province of New Brunswick Green Building Policy for New Construction & Major Renovation Projects.

Amendments to the Electricity Act (2013)

These amendments include increasing efficiency of energy delivery from NB Power,  changes to net metering, as well as the introduction of a standard offer program. Energy efficiency will be achieved by requiring NB Power to prioritize efficiency before increasing supply. Changes in net metering will ensure that residential consumers would be adequately compensated for excess energy at the end of the fiscal year. A standard offer program will create long term contracts between NB Power and renewable electricity generating facilities. To this effect, the power distributor would purchase renewable energy from a qualifying renewable electricity generator at a value based premium above wholesale market price. This will allow smaller electricity generators to recover the cost of installing renewable energy products.