David Coon Tours Science East



Standing in the sun, outside the old York County Gaol, Lieff Salonius, Director of Development and Communications for Science East, described to David Coon recent renovations to the building. The roof had been recently shingled with recycled plastic tiles made to look like historically-accurate slate shingles. Sample shingles are on display inside the museum, where guests can touch and see how they work.

Science East is a centre with over 150 exhibits teaching the basic principles of science and math in a way that is fun and engaging. From the fluorescent shadow room and the tug of war pulley, to the energy consumption guessing game, learners of all ages are able to interact with science in a meaningful and memorable way.


The centre takes its role as a provincial institution of science education very seriously. Last year, Science East hosted 18,000 visitors, but through travelling exhibits in various communities and schools, was able to reach an extra 45,000 people. Another initiative of Science East has been to make its early childhood learning program free for all participants. The staff at Science East feel that they have a responsibility to ensure that all children have access to the same learning opportunities so that they may begin their formal public education on the same footing.

Science East is open to the public from 12-5pm Monday-Saturday and Sunday afternoons until 4:00. Beginning June 1st the centre will commence its extended summer hours.