Category Archives: Seniors

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Green Party Leaders Response to the Budget Speech

Nine point six billion dollars is what government intends to spend to serve the people of our province. Despite $165 million in additional revenue over what was received this past year, this budget will drive our deficit back up to $189 million by spending $235 million more than last year. After three years of effort to balance the books, this […]

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New Brunswickers don’t want private management of health services

Here are my questions to the premier on privatising the management of our extra mural health services M. Coon : Hier, plus de 100 personnes, principalement des gens âgés, se sont rendus au bureau de circonscription du premier ministre, à Dieppe, pour lui transmettre un message clair : Le Programme extra-mural n’est pas à vendre. Des groupes de personnes âgées […]

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