Category Archives: Transparency

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Member’s Statement: The Role of the Legislative Branch – 11 February 2016

Mr. Speaker, in our Westminster system of parliamentary democracy, according to our own Legislature’s website, it is the role of the Legislative Assembly to exercise control over government action.  Private members on all sides of the House are to represent their constituents, serve as ombudsmen and law-makers, and act as watchdogs on the government and the bureaucracy.  For the members […]

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Want to silence the truth? Sue for defamation – Toronto Star 17 January 2016

commentary from the Toronto Star Hilary Young teaches law at the University of New Brunswick and is an expert on defamation law.  In 1989, Memorial University professor Ranjit Chandra committed flagrant academic fraud. He invented data showing that certain baby formulas, made by companies that were paying him, helped prevent allergies. Upon discovering the misconduct, Memorial confronted the professor, who resigned. […]

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