Category Archives: Social Justice

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Are Woodlot Owners the Last Frontier Against the Corporatization of NB Forests?

We know rural NB is struggling and at the same time our own government is undermining the ability of private woodlot owners to earn an income and operate their businesses. They refuse to enforce the laws that were designed to ensure woodlot owners were treated fairly in a market dominated by giant forestry companies. Check out the following video for […]

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Public Transportation System: Question Period – 30 March 2017

Here is the video and transcript of oral questions today recorded in the language it was originally spoken. M. Coon : Ma question s’adresse au ministre des Transports et de l’Infrastructure. Posséder une voiture n’est pas une possibilité pour plusieurs personnes du Nouveau-Brunswick. Si vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre d’en acheter une, se déplacer pour aller voir le médecin, […]

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Social Development Discriminates Against Single Mothers: Question Period – 28 March 2017

Here is the video and transcript of oral questions today recorded in the language it was originally spoken. Mr. Coon: I have a constituent in crisis. She has no source of income, so she and her children face homelessness. When people are in dire straits, our social safety net is meant to be there to support them. That is not […]

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