Category Archives: Democratic Reform

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Voting Record

The voting records of MLAs are not tracked except for contentious votes where a member calls for a standing vote. In order to be transparent about how David, Megan and Kevin are voting we started recording their voting record on a day by day basis during the session. Bills 2018-19 Debatable Motions To see the voting record for 2017/2018, click […]

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The Corporatization of the Public Service Trumps Public Accountability

A key function of the Legislative Assembly is to exercise control over government action, according to the Legislative Assembly’s website. While the idea of an assembly of elected representative exercising control over the actions of a premier and his or her cabinet may sound revolutionary, it is how our system of parliamentary democracy is actually supposed to work, and it […]

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Green party leader’s bill to foster intercultural understanding passes into law

Fredericton –Today in the Legislative Assembly, Green party leader, David Coon’s bill, An Act to Amend the Education Act passed Third reading. “My bill will ensure all students learn about the legacy of residential schools, the nature of our treaties and our shared histories, and the realities of indigenous people today,” said Coon. “This will help build the intercultural understanding […]

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